Coversheet |
Hon Carmel Sepuloni, Minister for Social Development and Employment
These documents have been proactively released.
16 March 2023, Cabinet Legislation Committee paper – Annual General Adjustment 2023 and related regulatory changes
16 March 2023, Cabinet Legislation Committee Minute LEG-23-MIN-0017, Cabinet Office.
Amendments are required to the Social Security (Rates of Benefits and Allowances) Order, Social Security Regulations, Student Allowances Regulations, Oranga Tamariki (Minimum Rates of Payment for Board and Lodgings) Order, Health Entitlement Cards Regulations and Residential Care and Disability Support Services Regulations. These amendments are required to give effect to the 2023 Annual General Adjustment, and related regulatory matters from previous Cabinet decisions to index hardship assistance income limits and pre-commitments to increase main benefit rates and Childcare Assistance income thresholds.
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· Section 9(2)(f)(iv) - the confidentiality of advice under active consideration
· Section 9(2)(h) - this information is legally privileged.
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Search Tags: Annual General Adjustment 2023, AGA, Annual General Adjustment, benefit increase, benefit payment increase, payment increase, Childcare Assistance increase