Third Data Hui - He hui whakahono i ngā mātauranga
19 April 2016.
This data hui is the third in the series convened by Statistics New Zealand, Treasury, and the Ministry of Social Development.
About the Third Data Hui - He hui whakahono i ngā mātauranga
Hosted by Hon Bill English, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, the hui brought together social sector leaders from Iwi, Pacific, NGO groups and across the public service. The aim of the hui was to explore how to work together to deliver improved access to and sharing of data by agency by clarifying rules for sharing, in order to make more informed decisions about the targeting of services, effectiveness of interventions and impact of investment.
This hui was organised by the Ministry of Social Development in association with the Minister’s Office, Statistics NZ, Social Investment Unit, Treasury, Te Puni Kokiri, government officials and sector representatives.
There have been two previous hui which focused on accessing and packaging data for the social sector and unlocking the potential of data to deliver real change for New Zealanders.
This hui built on what was learnt at the previous two and was an interactive day where attendees had an opportunity to share views and expertise on data use, measurement and social investment.
For more information, contact Sam Hoben: (04) 916 3943 or sam.hoben001@msd.govt.nz