What we can do for
Seniors / Ko ngā Kaumātua
We're here to support people as they age, to be happy, healthy and valued.
We’ve moved most of the information from this website to the Seniors pages in the Work and Income website. This is where most people now go for information on NZ Super and Veteran’s Pension. It’s also easier to use and works well with mobile phones and tablets.
You can also apply online for NZ Super and Veteran’s Pension and access other online tools from the Work and Income website.
For all the latest information about:
The Older Workers Employment Action Plan (OWEAP) encompasses those aged 50 and over who are working or who want or need to work. The purpose of the OWEAP is to ensure that older New Zealanders who want or need to work can find sustainable employment that fulfils their needs and aspirations and contributes to their overall wellbeing.
To support actions under the Government’s Better Later Life Strategy Action Plan 2021-2024 – He Mahere Hohenga – MSD partnered with SWA and MoH to build an evidence base demonstrating the size, scale and characteristics of older people experiencing vulnerability in health, housing, finance, social connection and access using the Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI).
This report presents the first phase of work and demonstrates where compounding hardship is occurring across different communities in Aotearoa, NZ.
The Office for Seniors: