What we can do for
Families / Ko ngā Whānau
We’re here to help families and whānau be safe and resilient, to be successful and have the ability to provide for their own needs.
Visit our Work and Income website
For advice, support, and to find a support service in your area, you can call for family violence support anytime on 0800 456 450 to speak with a trained counsellor or go to the 'Are You OK' website.
If you feel at risk of using violence and are worried your behaviour is hurting or scaring others, there's help to make a change. You can get advice, support and find a support service in your area by either calling the 24/7 support line on 0800 456 450, or going to the 'Change is Possible' website.
A guide for Carers provide practical help for people caring for family or friends who are older or have ill health, a disability or a mental health, alcohol or other drug issue.
Work and Income may be able to provide financial help, even if you’re working, whether you’re looking after your own or someone else’s child.
Working for Families is an income assistance package making it easier to work and raise a family, with payments to thousands of New Zealand families through tax credits, and help with housing and childcare costs.
You can search for contact details of over 6,000 family and community services using their Family Services Directory.
Community Links are where people can get help for a range of needs by a variety of social services and agencies in one place. These services could range from simple financial assistance through to advocacy, support, education and counselling services.
Heartland Service Centres provide access to government services and information in rural communities. They provide an opportunity to meet face to face with government agency representatives.
Strengthening Families helps you get the best support for your family/ whānau to thrive. All the people and agencies who could help your family are brought together. Together you discuss your family’s needs and agree on what everyone is going to do. You and your family don't have to face life's challenges alone.