SWC-21-MIN-0150 Minute - Cabinet Social Wellbeing Committee Minute of Decision
Portfolio: Youth
On 29 September 2021, the Cabinet Social Wellbeing Committee:
- noted that
- in 2015, the Cabinet Social Policy Committee agreed to a new approach to grow funding for youth development, including a partnership fund with a new non-statutory board or charitable trust to make fund allocation decisions [SOC-15-MIN-0034.01];
- in 2016, the Cabinet Appointments and Honours Committee noted that the Minister for Youth intended to appoint eight members to the Partnership Fund Board (the Board) [APH-16-MIN-0181];
- noted that a 2017 review of the Board found that it was experiencing difficulty in operating according to Cabinet’s intentions and the Minister for Youth made interim changes to the Board;
- noted that:
- in 2020, the Minister for Youth requested a further review of the Board’s governance arrangements to consider whether the arrangements were ‘fit-for-purpose’ in ensuring the Board was operating strategically and independently, and whether the Board has the right resources and funding to deliver on its objectives;
- the review found that the Board was not delivering to the required level on two of three of its objectives;
Future oversight of the Partnership Fund
- noted that in response to the review findings, the Minister for Youth has considered advice on possible alternate options to the Partnership Fund Board;
- agreed to disestablish the Partnership Fund Board;
- agreed that Ministry for Youth Development (MYD) formally oversee the Partnership Fund to best utilise existing networks and sector expertise;
- [redacted content]
Rachel Clarke
Committee Secretary
- Hon Dr Megan Woods
- Hon Carmel Sepuloni
- Hon Andrew Little
- Hon Damien O'Connor
- Hon Kris Faafoi
- Hon Peeni Henare
- Hon Willie Jackson
- Hon Jan Tinetti
- Hon Dr Ayesha Verrall
- Hon Meka Whaitiri
- Hon Priyanca Radhakrishnan
Officials present from
- Office of the Prime Minister
- Office of the SWC Chair
- Officials Committee for SWC