Cabinet Social Wellbeing Committee Minute of Decision - SWC-21-0115
Support for Temporary Visa Holders in Hardship from 1 September 2021
Portfolio Social Development and Employment
On 4 August 2021, the Cabinet Social Wellbeing Committee:
1 noted that:
- in June 2020, Cabinet agreed to establish a temporary assistance programme for Foreign Nationals impacted by COVID-19 [CAB-20-MIN-0283];
- in November 2020, Cabinet agreed to continue support to temporary visa holders in hardship in New Zealand via the Emergency Benefit [CAB-20-MIN-0476];
- in February 2021, SWC agreed that the Ministry of Social Development continue to provide the Emergency Benefit to temporary visa holders in hardship in New Zealand until 31 August 2021 [CAB-21-MIN-0024];
2 noted that provision of the Emergency Benefit to temporary visa holders will end, as planned, on 31 August 2021;
3 noted that the Ministry of Social Development will implement transitional mechanisms to link temporary visa holders with their foreign missions and available community and non-government organisations;
4 noted that the Repatriation Fund Budget in Immigration New Zealand’s Integrity and Security of the New Zealand Immigration System appropriation in Vote Labour Market has unspent funding of $784,000 as at 13 July 2021;
5 agreed that the above unspent funding continue to be used to assist with the costs of repatriation for those people who provide a letter of support by their foreign mission to Immigration New Zealand, where the individual and the foreign mission are unable to meet the costs of that repatriation;
6 agreed that assistance using the Repatriation Fund cease once the fund is exhausted or after six months, subject to a review at the six month point of the uptake of the fund and the balance remaining;
7 directed Immigration New Zealand officials to report to the Minister of Immigration in February 2022 on the uptake of the Immigration New Zealand Repatriation Fund, the balance remaining, and options for the remaining funding, if any, or earlier if fund depletion is imminent
Rachel Clarke
Committee Secretary
Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern
Hon Grant Robertson
Hon Kelvin Davis
Hon Dr Megan Woods
Hon Carmel Sepuloni (Chair)
Hon Andrew Little
Hon Poto Williams
Hon Kris Faafoi
Hon Peeni Henare
Hon Willie Jackson
Hon Jan Tinetti
Hon Dr Ayesha Verrall
Hon Aupito William Sio
Hon Meka Whaitiri
Hon Priyanca Radhakrishnan
Officials present from:
Office of the Prime Minister
Office of the SWC Chair
Officials Committee for SWC