Reports to the Minister for Social Development and Employment and Minister for Disability Issues - 11 October 2021
Each week we publish the titles of all the reports that the Ministry of Social Development provided to the Minister for Social Development and Employment, and the Minister for Disability Issues.
Reports provided by the Ministry of Social Development to the Minister for Disability Issues in the week commencing 11 October as at 5 November 2021
Title |
Report Number |
Date Received |
Aide memoire - Meeting with CCS Disability Action |
REP/21/10/1078 |
11/10/2021 |
Aide memoire - Meeting with Dr Tristram Ingham, Chair, Tātou Whaikaha (Disability Subcommittee of IIAG, Ministry of Health) |
REP/21/10/1116 |
13/10/2021 |
Reports provided by the Ministry of Social Development to the Minister for Social Development and Employment in the week commencing 11 October as at 5 November 2021
Title |
Report Number |
Date Received |
Aide memoire - Responding to sustained demand for access to food and other essential wellbeing items |
REP/21/10/1106 |
11/10/2021 |
Aide memoire - Meeting with Christians Against Poverty (CAP) |
REP/21/10/1096 |
12/10/2021 |
Aide memoire - Meeting with Decent Developments |
REP/21/10/1090 |
12/10/2021 |
S9(2)(f)(iv) |
REP/21/10/1083 |
12/10/2021 |
Aide memoire - Pou Chairs and Pou Ministerial Leads Meeting |
REP/21/10/1080 |
13/10/2021 |
S9(2)(f)(iv) |
REP/21/10/1074 |
15/10/2021 |
Vote Social Development: 2021 October Baseline Update |
REP/21/10/1066 |
15/10/2021 |
Agreement to minor policy decision to finalise Oversight Bill |
REP/21/10/1097 |
15/10/2021 |
Closure of the 21/22 financial year Maori Trades and Training Fund |
REP/21/10/1111 |
15/10/2021 |
Presentation of the 2020/21 Annual Report of the Ministry of Social Development and the 2020/21 Vote Social Development Non-departmental Appropriations Report |
REP/21/10/1085 |
15/10/2021 |
Social Workers Registration Board: Appointments and Fee Review |
REP/21/10/1088 |
15/10/2021 |
S9(2)(f)(iv) |
REP/21/9/1030 |
15/10/2021 |
S9(2)(f)(iv) |
REP/21/10/1132 |
15/10/2021 |
S9(2)(h) |
REP/21/10/1109 |
15/10/2021 |
COVID-19 Update and Responses to Date |
REP/21/10/1127 |
15/10/2021 |
COVID-19 Update and Responses to Date |
REP/21/10/1104 |
15/10/2021 |