Reports to the Minister for Social Development for June 2020
Each month we publish the titles of all the reports that the Ministry of Social Development provided to the Minister for Social Development and the Minister for Disability Issues.
Reports provided by the Ministry of Social Development to the Minister for Disability Issues in June 2020 as at 20 July 2020
Title |
Date Received |
Report Number |
Meeting with the Disability Rights Commissioner, June 2020 |
22/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/655 |
Meeting of the Ministerial Leadership Group on Disability Issues |
23/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/702 |
NZ Federation of Disability Information Centres Launch of the Voices Project Report |
25/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/703 |
New Zealand Sign Language Board Review 2020 |
29/06/2020 |
REP/20/5/505 |
Reports provided by the Ministry of Social Development to the Minister for Social Development in June 2020 as at 20 July 2020
Title |
Date Received |
Report Number |
Memo: NZALS Update |
29/05/2020 |
REP/20/5/582 |
Funding for Ministry of Social Development and Oranga Tamariki community-based services |
2/06/2020 |
REP/20/5/570 |
Kiwi Can Do – Prime Minister’s Visit |
4/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/621 |
COVID-19 Sitrep #59 |
4/06/2020 |
Meeting with representatives of the National Beneficiaries Advocacy Consultative Group (NBACG) |
5/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/628 |
Report back on the COVID-19 emergency welfare response transition |
5/06/2020 |
REP/20/5/596 |
Employment, Education and Training Ministers Group Meeting |
5/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/625 |
Workforce planning for social workers: recommendations |
5/06/2020 |
REP/20/5/589 |
Superannuation Bill: Second reading and committee of the whole House |
5/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/624 |
Implementation of the investing in the resilience and recovery of communities affected by COVID-19 fund |
5/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/644 |
Recognised Seasonal Employer Scheme:COVID-19 related policy changes and 2020/21 cap decision |
5/06/2020 |
T# - 2280 19-20 |
Mana in Mahi - May 2020 Progress Report |
5/06/2020 |
REP/20/5/610 |
Funding approved for the temporary policy changes to expand access to assistance with rent arrears |
5/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/613 |
Reducing Risks of COVID-19 Infections on Ministry Premises and Responses to Date |
8/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/612 |
Aide memoire - Reintroducing the reference to 'employment ceased' in the Social Security Regulations 2018 |
8/06/2020 |
REP/20/5/598 |
OCC Review of Oranga Tamariki; initial advice |
8/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/632 |
S9(2)(f)(iv) |
8/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/636 |
Ōtara with Minister Salesa - 9 June 2020 |
8/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/622 |
Supports and incentives to encourage self-isolation |
8/06/2020 |
REP/20/5/531 |
Reducing Risks of COVID-19 Infections on Ministry Premises and Responses to Date |
8/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/637 |
Mangere Budget Service |
9/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/646 |
Elder Abuse Response Services funding allocation |
10/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/641 |
Supporting Offenders into Employment -Case Studies |
10/06/2020 |
REP/20/2/208 |
Meeting with Graham Dingle Foundation |
11/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/656 |
Talking Points: Employment-Related Services CPC Dashboard, May 2020 |
11/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/664 |
Aide memoire - Social Security (COVID-19 Increase to Rates of Orphan's Benefit and Unsupported Child's Benefit) Order 2020 |
11/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/643 |
Amendment to the housing support assistance programme: rent arrears assistance |
11/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/615 |
COVID-19 Income Relief Payment - application process and reporting |
11/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/642 |
S9(2)(f)(iv) |
11/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/647 |
Working matters: the Disability Employment Action Plan |
11/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/657 |
Limited Service Volunteers Advice on the potential for adjustment to the programme |
11/06//2020 |
REP/20/5/607 |
Mitigating the social impacts of COVID-19 |
11/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/645 |
NZALS update |
11/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/652 |
COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund (CRRF) - Cost pressures for approval and other initiatives |
11/06/2020 |
Unemployment insurance models and considerations for New Zealand |
11/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/648 |
S9(2)(f)(iv) |
12/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/638 |
Te Tahua Taituarā Fund - Allocating remaining funding |
12/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/409 |
Report-back on Improving Social inclusion |
12/06/2020 |
REP/20/5/588 |
Whakatohea - MSD Relationship Agreement |
12/06/2020 |
REP/20/5/575 |
Apprenticeship Support Programme – design and implementation of the Mana in Mahi expansion and the Apprenticeship Boost Initiative |
15/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/659 |
Aide memoire - Financial Assistance for Caregivers Bill |
15/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/671 |
Report to Minister on response to COVID-19 |
15/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/670 |
Reducing Risks of COVID-19 Infections on Ministry Premises and Responses to Date |
15/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/670 |
Mayors Taskforce for Jobs – Core Group Meeting |
16/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/678 |
Community Connection services implementation |
16/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/653 |
Employment, Education and Training Ministers Meeting |
16/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/675 |
Waikato-Tainui Kiingitanga Accord - Invitation |
16/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/679 |
Meeting with BusinessNZ to discuss the skills and employment response to COVID-19 |
17/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/669 |
Update on implementation of Integrated Community Response (Elements 1-3) |
17/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/681 |
Children’s Commissioner letter of 11th June 2020; advice and response |
18/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/684 |
Strengthening Oversight of the Oranga Tamariki System Programme – Monthly Progress Update – May 2020 |
18/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/639 |
Preferred Candidates for Appointment Social Workers Complaints and Disciplinary Tribunal and New Zealand Artificial Limbs Service |
18/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/651 |
Public Housing and Housing Support Products: proposed changes to the residential requirements for certain cohorts in hardship |
18/06/2020 |
REP/20/3/192 |
Meeting with the Social Workers Registration Board (SWRB) |
19/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/682 |
Extending the Pause on Tenancy Reviews until February 2021 |
19/06/2020 |
REP/20/5/599 |
Statutory Review of the in-work tax credit and parental tax credit |
19/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/689 |
Proposed shape of the Children’s Commission and Oversight of Oranga Tamariki System Legislation Bill |
19/06/2020 |
REP/20/5/537 |
Meeting with the New Zealand Artificial Limbs Service (NZALS) |
22/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/683 |
Reducing Risks of COVID-19 Infections on Ministry Premises and Responses to Date |
23/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/695 |
Employment, Education and Training Ministers group |
24/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/705 |
Student Allowances (Christchurch Mosques Attack) Amendment Regulations 2020 |
24/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/698 |
Meeting with Child Poverty Action Group |
24/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/699 |
Nelson provider engagement, 25 June 2020 |
24/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/715 |
Superannuation Bill: Third Reading Speech |
24/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/710 |
COVID-19 Response and Recovery Budget Bid: Changes to income support settings |
24/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/687 |
Food Secure Communities: Outcome of Community Food Transition Grant Fund Applications |
24/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/711 |
Launch of Making Disability Rights Real Report, June 2020 |
25/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/667 |
Briefing the ongoing operation and impact of the Leave Support Scheme: Talking points and questions and answers for oral update |
25/06/2020 |
3537 19-20 |
Removing the additional dependent child work obligations of the Social Security Act 2018 |
25/06/2020 |
REP/20/06/697 |
Substantive Update on Progress with Establishment of the Independent Children’s Monitoring Function |
25/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/673 |
Appointments to Crown entities and statutory tribunals |
25/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/707 |
Working Matters – the Disability Employment Action Plan |
25/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/720 |
Improving family violence and sexual violence responses for disabled people |
25/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/686 |
Approval for related policy changes and formal agency consultation: Children and Young People's Commission and Oversight of Oranga Tamariki System Bill |
26/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/761 |
COVID-19 Leave Support Scheme Oral Update |
29/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/738 |
Visit to Porirua |
29/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/730 |
Food Secure Communities: Strategic Approach and Update |
29/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/717 |
Aide memoire - Meeting with PSA National Secretary Glenn Barclay |
29/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/709 |
Meeting with E tū |
29/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/722 |
Aide memoire - Cabinet paper: Progress on the homelessness action plan and the homelessness response to COVID-19 |
30/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/726 |
Meeting with the Carers Alliance - 2 July |
30/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/744 |