Crime Prevention Strategies: The New Zealand Model
Rose O'Neill
Issue 01 November 1993
Fleur Keys and Maree Brown
Issue 01 November 1993
Policy Issues from “Family, Victims and Culture: Youth Justice in New Zealand”
Gabrielle M Maxwell and Alison Morris
Issue 01 November 1993
Dilemmas in the Criminalisation of Spousal Abuse
Helene Carbonatto
Issue 02 July 1994
"Preventing Youth Crime: The Challenge Beyond Diversion"
Meredith Osmond
Issue 02 July 1994
Julie Liebrich
Issue 03 December 1994
The 8th International Symposium on Victimology
Dame Ann Ballin
Issue 03 December 1994
Crime In Australia: The First National Outlook Symposium
Rose O'Neill
Issue 05 December 1995
National Organisation for Victims Assistance - 20th Anniversary Conference and International Summit
Robert Teppett
Issue 05 December 1995
Gabrielle Maxwell, Jeremy Robertson
Issue 06 July 1996
Diversion and Graffiti Abatement Programmes - A New Direction
Ted Ninnes
Issue 10 June 1998
Emma Davies, Fred W. Seymour
Issue 12 July 1999
Kristen Maynard, Branko Coebergh, Brendan Anstiss, Leon Bakker, Terry Huriwai
Issue 13 December 1999
Whanake Rangatahi: Programmes and Services to Address Maori Youth Offending
Victoria Owen
Issue 16 July 2001
Instant Fines: Instant Justice? The Use of Infringement Offence Notices in New Zealand
David Wilson
Issue 17 December 2001
Achieving The Diversion and Decarceration Of Young Offenders In New Zealand
Gabrielle Maxwell, Jeremy Robertson and Venezia Kingi
Issue 19 December 2002
A Review of Literature on Child Prostitution
Miriam Saphira and Pam Oliver
Issue 19 December 2002
Sanjeev Sridharan and Elizabeth I. Lopez
Issue 22 July 2004
Alison Sutherland: Classroom to Prison Cell
Graeme MacCormick
Issue 33 March 2008
Police Initiated Protection Orders and their Potential Impact on Women
A Discussion Document
Alison Towns
Issue 34 April 2009