It is with a real feeling of satisfaction that I write the foreword to the second edition of the Social Policy Journal. Production of the second edition provides evidence for readers of our commitment to produce a top quality journal on a regular basis that will become a recognised platform for social policy debate in New Zealand. The Journal is more than a "one edition wonder".
In recognition of 1994 as the International Year of the Family, the Editorial Board has devoted considerable space in this edition to the position of families in New Zealand. The December 1994 edition will continue the family focus. I am delighted that the Commissioner for Children has provided the feature article on the need for a coordinated children's policy in New Zealand. We have juxtaposed a series of telling statistics on the state of the New Zealand family today.
This edition also includes articles that deal with domestic violence, inequality and poverty, assistance to at risk families and sole parents, all of which are issues of importance to the New Zealand family and its ability to deliver the vital support services that are required of it. In addition there are some thought-provoking articles explaining the challenges of biculturalism to pākehā New Zealanders, considering implications of the high level of social policy reform that has occurred in recent years, and also an important article reviewing a hui on Ma-ori health.
Another feature of this edition is the number of articles from outside public sector social policy agencies and ministries. Social policy is an area in which a wide range of people have an interest and it is important that the Journal provides an outlet which spans policy analysts, academics, practitioners and people with a general interest. The aim of the Journal is to attract high quality articles from New Zealand and international contributors that raise, or provide an insight on a variety of important questions across the social policy spectrum. A priority in the selection of articles is the question, "So what for social policy?" – i.e. what does a particular article add to the debate in a particular area?"
I hope that you will find this edition of the Social Policy Journal as stimulating as the first. The response to the first edition was very encouraging and I want to thank those who wrote or provided comment to myself and members of the Editorial Board.
I repeat my hope that readers will be encouraged to submit material for future editions. The next edition is due out in December 1994. I would also like to receive any comments that you may have regarding the Journal, ideas for improvements, and topics and themes that you would like to see developed in future articles.
David A. Preston
General Manager
Social Policy Agency