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MSD's 2022 LTIB - Preparing all young people for satisfying and rewarding working lives

Four government agencies released a Long-term Insights Briefing about Preparing All Young People for Satisfying and Rewarding Working Lives. A summary of the briefing is also available.

This is an important issue to explore. Although many young people navigate transitions from school to work, education or training, a significant proportion face barriers which prevent them from reaching their work goals and aspirations.

Prolonged or repeated exposure to limited employment has negative impacts on youth wellbeing and can have significant long-term consequences. This is a complex policy challenge with multi-generational consequences.

The four government agencies that developed the briefing, including by holding two rounds of consultation, are: the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Social Development and Ministry for Women.

Consultation, engagement and hui

The first consultation hui were in July/August 2021 and mainly targeted young people and those working closely with them (eg schools, community and social service providers, employment service providers and employers).

Further consultation in September/October 2022 involved an online survey, email submissions and more hui. We heard from young people, youth advisory groups, education and employment service providers, iwi and Māori organisations, the disability sector, employers, unions and industry groups.

Overall the feedback was strongly supportive of the possible future directions set out in the briefing, which focus on three key areas of opportunity:

  • Early learning, engagement and attainment in schooling,
  • Preparing to find and secure employment, and
  • Building resilient connections to the workplace.

Most substantive feedback related to education and employment inclusion, to improve pathways to sustained employment for disabled young people.

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