Household Incomes in New Zealand: trends in indicators of inequality and hardship 1982 to 2015
The Household Incomes Report provides information on the material wellbeing of New Zealanders as indicated by their household incomes from all sources from 1982 to 2015.
The report uses data from Statistics New Zealand’s 2014-15 Household Economic Survey (HES) to update the previous report in the series which had information to 2014.
The interviews for the 2014-15 survey were carried out in the year to 30 June 2015, and asked about incomes in the twelve months prior to interview.
There is also a companion Non-Income Measures report.
There is a shorter 40-page Overview and Key Findings document and also a Guidelines note to assist with using and interpreting the findings and figures in the reports.
The next update is planned for mid 2017 using data from the 2015-16 HES.