Make your communications accessible
This resource provides quick tips for writers, communicators, designers and production houses.
Accessibility overview
Applying Universal Design principles to information makes it accessible for most people most of the time. Universal Design also means that information can be presented easily in a variety of ways (using specialised formats) so everyone can use it.
The following information tells you how to make your communications more accessible by using plain language and appropriate content. It also details how print can be made more accessible by applying certain design principles.
Some people however can’t access printed information. These people include those for whom English isn’t their first language and others who have difficulty reading, or who are vision impaired or blind. There are a number of specialised formats that can be used to reach these audiences and they are also outlined.
The time to decide this is when you are doing your communications planning. Asking yourself the following questions will help.
- Who is the target audience?
- What sort of information is it and how important is it?
- Is the information short-lived or long-lasting?