Social Outcomes Modelling (2023)
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The Social Outcomes Model
The Social Outcomes Model (SOM) provides a long-term and holistic view of the lives of all people in New Zealand aged 16+. The SOM is run annually and combines people’s historical use of the benefit and social housing systems, with their employment history and interactions with other government agencies such as Health, Justice, and Education, alongside forecasts about the economy to understand how people move into, through, and out of the benefit and social housing systems.
Benefit System Insights Report
This report provides information on the benefit system, offering insight into how the dynamics are changing over time using analysis from the SOM. It includes key insights from the latest model update (2023 SOM, using data up to September 2023).
This report focuses on projections of average future years on a main benefit and in employment for specific groups of interest. These results are compared to the previous year’s (2022 SOM) estimates to help explain what changes have occurred over the past year.
Social Housing System Insights report
This is the second report providing results from the 2023 SOM. This report provides information on the social housing system, offering insight into how its dynamics are changing over time.
The focus is on estimated average future years in social housing, the affordability gap separating social housing clients from the private housing market, and the challenges that emergency housing clients have faced. These results are compared to the previous year’s (2022 SOM) estimates and historical data to help explain what changes have occurred.