Community Capability and Resilience Fund
About the Community Capability and Resilience Fund
The Community Capability and Resilience Fund closed at midnight Friday 1 October 2021.
The Community Capability and Resilience Fund is a fund available to iwi, hapū and community groups for initiatives that support the rebuild and recovery from COVID-19. Over $30 million became available on 1 August 2020 to support communities over a two-year period.
The CCRF continues to build on the success of the Community Awareness and Preparedness Grant Fund (CAPG Fund), which was established by the government to provide immediate support to communities during the COVID-19 lockdown in early 2020. The purpose of the CCRF remains the same – it provides assistance and support for community groups working with priority populations, as they respond, rebuild and recover from the impacts of COVID-19.
Funding recipients
There were two rounds of funding over the two years the fund was open.
Other community funding and support available
Contact Community Operations for advice, support, and information about community funding opportunities.
Community Operations is a branch of the Department of Internal Affairs with advisory teams around New Zealand. They work alongside communities and groups helping to create positive change in communities.
Community Capability and Resilience Fund information
Priority groups
The CCRF is targeted towards initiatives that support priority groups, which include Māori, Pacific and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.
Who can apply?
The CCRF is for community organisations supporting their community to recover from impacts of COVID-19 and strengthen their social and economic wellbeing.
Community organisations that:
- received significant funding in the previous round;
- can demonstrate they’ve been able to support community outcomes, and can continue to do so with further investment;
- are endorsed by an MSD Regional Office;
will receive a higher weighting in the assessment process than applicants for new initiatives.
Examples of community groups who can apply are:
- Local marae, whānau, hapū, iwi
- Multicultural councils
- Ethnic community organisations
- Faith based, religious and church groups
- Community Hubs
- Not for profit organisations and social enterprise
The CCRF enables these groups to focus on community wellbeing and efforts to help promote social inclusion.
Social inclusion involves having an equitable opportunity to participate, by choice, in everyday activities and ensuring all people have the social, economic, cultural and political resources needed to be able to join in and take up opportunities in everyday activities.
The types of things you can apply for funding:
- Promoting initiatives that strengthen community capability and wellbeing
- Implementation of community COVID-19 recovery plans
- Initiatives that support economic and employment outcomes
- Iwi, hapū, community hubs and collaborative impact initiatives
- Initiatives that support and strengthen social cohesion
- Initiatives that support and promote communities to normalise requirements and safeguards known to protect against or respond quickly to the risk of COVID-19.
We will not fund:
- existing MSD/ govt service providers (there may be some exceptions on a case by case basis)
- FTE salaries or wages
- vehicles
- operation and administration costs
- establishment and operation of Foodbanks
- loss of salaries or wages
- activities that intend to generate profit
- the promotion of commercial, political or religious objectives
- the purchase of alcohol
- individuals
- Limited Companies unless you are a charitable trust
How to apply
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Step 1
You’re a community based organisation
Step 2
Complete online application
Step 3
We will check if you qualify
Step 4
We’ll let you know your request is approved or not
Step 5
We’ll pay you or tell you why your request has been declined
Complete an application form:
The online application will ask for the following key information:
- Description of your community initiative and its benefits
- Charitable Trust OR NZBN registration number. (If applicable)
- Bank verification
- Invoice
The fund will be open from 2 August 2021 to 1 October 2021. Applications will be assessed and moderated against above criteria. Payments will commence late October 2021.
Payment, monitoring and reporting
Successful recipients will be asked to fill out one of the attached invoices:
If you are not registered for GST – please fill out the (No GST) CCRF Invoice Form
If you are registered for GST – please fill out the CCRF Tax Invoice Form
They will also be expected to provide a report about their initiative including:
- What you did and how the initiative has improved outcomes for your community?
- What impact the initiative had on your community?
- How the funds were spent?