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Guidance and resources for Heartlands providers

Service Guidelines

Services are to be provided in accordance with the Heartlands Service Guidelines.

Provider quarterly reporting template

Providers use an MSD-provided Reporting Template (an Excel spreadsheet) to submit their reporting to MSD.

Please send your completed quarterly report to MSD National Contracts Admin Hub at and your Purchasing Agency Relationship Manager listed in Section 8 of your Outcome Agreement (Contract).

The Reporting Template and instructions for how to complete them are available to download at this link:

Heartland reporting is due quarterly on the dates in the table below. Please note that your Outcome agreement makes it appear that 1 July is the start date for all four reporting periods. Please refer to the periods below when reporting figures for each quarter.

Due dates for Heartlands provider quarterly reporting

Due date (each year)

Period Coverage by the Report

10 October

1 July 20xx – 30 September 20xx

05 December

1 October 20xx – 30 November 20xx

10 April

1 December 20xx – 31 March 20xx

10 July

1 April 20xx – 30 June 20xx

Heartlands client survey — online and paper

MSD has developed a client survey, in consultation with providers, to gather feedback from Heartlands’ clients. Client feedback helps support the best possible delivery of Heartlands.

Providers can choose whether to use the survey — it is entirely optional for clients to complete. The link to the online survey is here:

A QR code is also available. This can be printed and displayed at Heartlands sites for clients to scan on their phones and access the survey in their own time. There is more information about the QR code, including the image, in our FAQs.

Some clients may prefer to complete a printed paper copy of the survey. Where client information is provided on paper, forms must be stored securely, entered into the online platform (by providers) within a week of receipt, and destroyed afterwards.

There’s more information about the client survey and a copy of the QR code in our FAQs, here:

Who can I contact with questions about Heartlands?

If you have any questions relating to Heartlands, please contact

To contact a specific Heartlands site, please refer to the Heartlands website for contact details.

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