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Ka Hao Tangata Grant Fund

Funding for the Ka Hao Tangata Grant is now closed.

Applications to the Ka Hao Tangata Grant Fund have now closed as the fund has been fully allocated.  A list of the successful applicants will be provided here early in December. 

The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) has established a grant fund – Ka Hao Tangata - to support smaller community-based organisations to provide services to a specified group of individuals to improve their work-readiness and future employment potential.

Ka Hao Tangata is being trialled in the Auckland Region between September 2018 and December 2019.

Applications for the fund open from 20 August 2018. 

What is the Ka Hao Tangata Grant Fund for and who can apply?

The name of the grant fund is Ka Hao Tangata, this name comes from the Māori whakataukī/proverb:

Ka pū te ruha, ka hao te rangatahi When the old net withers, another is remade and cast out

In line with the meaning of this whakataukī, and the intent of the Ka Hao Tangata grant fund the Ministry has extended the interpretation as follows:

The new net that we cast will reach those disadvantaged job seekers who are looking for opportunities to develop and prepare themselves to enter the workforce.

The Ka Hao Tangata Grant Fund is available to community-based organisations in Auckland to provide long-term, wrap-around support to increase the work readiness of individuals assessed as significantly disadvantaged in the local labour market.

People selected for assistance will be based on specific priority group criteria. Funding is for up to one year.

Eligibility criteria

Auckland-based community organisations will need to:

  • be registered with the Companies Office as an incorporated society or charitable trust
  • have at least level 4 Social Sector Accreditation, or be able to achieve at least level 4 Social Sector accreditation. The Social Sector Accreditation Standards and Application form can be found at: http://www.msd.govt.nz/what-we-can-do/providers/approvals/accreditation-standards.html
  • have the capability to deliver services to the specified priority group who are significantly disadvantaged in the labour market and require long-term support to increase their work readiness
  • have a history of successfully providing work-readiness services
  • deliver a service that is valued in their local community
  • confirm the funding being applied for represents a contribution to the service being provided
  • clearly define the outcomes they are aiming to achieve and how they will be measured
  • confirm they are not receiving other funding from government agencies for the specified service
  • provide evidence that they are financially viable (latest audited accounts and any other relevant material).

The service being provided needs to:

  • be delivered in the Auckland region
  • support individuals significantly disadvantaged in the labour market that require long-term support to achieve a measure of work-readiness
  • contribute to the development of skills needed to gain employment in the local labour market
  • start from September 2018 and be completed by December 2019.

The priority group are individuals aged 16 years and above, and who are Māori, Pacific peoples, disabled, of ethnic or religious minority and have one or more of the following risk factors:

  • Are part of an intergenerational benefit dependent household
  • Lack qualifications or previous work experience
  • Have criminal convictions
  • Have poor English language skills
  • Have mental health conditions, or
  • Other significant barriers to gaining employment.

Expected outcomes

That at least 80 percent of people who have participated in the service have:

  • improved work-readiness outcomes
  • improved personal and social skills
  • increased labour market skills and knowledge.

How much funding is available?

The maximum funding for each project is up to $100,000.00 (GST exclusive).

For applications that request funds of $100,000.00 (GST exclusive), financial management policies and procedures will need to be provided with the application.

There is a total budget of $500,000 (GST exclusive) for allocation.

How are the funding decisions made?

All submitted applications will be assessed by a selection panel. Each application received will be reviewed against the published criteria:

  1. Alignment to the funding criteria
  2. The project’s practicality, viability, value and benefits.


The selection panel will comprise of MSD staff and will be supported by subject matter experts such as MSD’s principal disability advisor as and when required. Panel members are:

  • Chair – Director of Māori and Pacific, MSD
  • Panel member - Regional Senior Contracts Manager, MSD
  • Panel member – Principal Advisor Māori, MSD
  • Panel member – Principal Advisor Pacific, MSD


The panel will also be supported by a MSD senior contracts advisor who has the role of coordinator/ secretariat. The coordinator/secretariat will not take part in the assessment and recommendation/decision-making process. All enquiries and communications with organisations will be managed by the coordinator/ secretariat.

Where applications meet the criteria for the fund and the panel requires more information the coordinator/ secretariat may contact the applicant.

The selection panel may also consider additional factors including:

  • The level of services being provided
  • Fit with government priorities
  • Value for money
  • Previous history of Outcome Agreement compliance
  • The availability of funding.

Once the panel members have completed their assessment, funding recommendations will be made and submitted for approval. A grant agreement will then be developed and signed by both MSD and the successful applicant.


Successful applicants will need to provide a six monthly report that includes, but is not limited to:

  • The number of people who have participated in the service
  • Outcomes for people that have participated in the service
  • A summary of work-readiness skills that have been provided
  • A breakdown of how project funds were used.

Who should I contact with questions?

If you have any questions please email: Ka_Hao_Tangata_Grant_Fund@msd.govt.nz

The coordinator will respond to your enquiries.

How do you apply for the fund?

To apply for the fund, complete the funding application form and email to: Ka_Hao_Tangata_Grant_Fund@msd.govt.nz.

Attach the most recent independently audited financial accounts for your organisation and an outline of your governance and management structure.

Ask two people in your organisation who are authorised to commit you to a funding agreement to complete and sign section 3 of the application form.

Applications will open on 20 August 2018 and will close when all available funding has been allocated.