Other work to strengthen sexual violence services
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Alongside the work to develop and support the specialist sexual violence services funded by MSD, other work is underway to ensure we are learning about what’s working to continue to strengthen services.
Strengthening support for the sexual violence sector
We are working with the sexual violence sector to strengthen the support for the sector at a national level. This will help ensure that providers are well-supported to respond to the needs of people affected by sexual violence.
Evaluation of services
Malatest International has been contracted by MSD to do a three-year evaluation of MSD-funded sexual violence services. Currently the evaluation is looking at the current services:
- Sexual Harm Crisis Support Services
- 'Safe to talk' national sexual harm helpline
- Harmful Sexual Behaviour Services
- Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse.
The evaluation began in February 2018 and will run until June 2021. It has three phases; a formative evaluation, a process evaluation and an outcomes (summative) evaluation.