COVID-19 Reporting Archive
On this Page:
Monthly Benefits Update
An overview of benefit and supplementary assistance data.
These reports compare the present month with the same month last year, and the month preceding the COVID-19 lockdown (February 2020) up to May 2020. From June 2020, after the end of the national lockdown, month-on-month comparisons started. Further comparisons can be found in the supporting data files.
The data files provide the figures used to produce the Monthly Benefits Updates and contain additional information that might not be included in the A3 report, such as some breakdowns by Territorial Authority.
NOTE: Monthly data files are only available from April 2020 onwards. As data gets periodically checked over time, some previous versions might need to be corrected and re-uploaded, as appropriate.
Income Support and Wage Subsidy Weekly Update
An overview of income support, including wage subsidy assistance. From the week ending 12 June 2020, COVID-19 Income Support Payment figures have been included.
The data files provide the figures used to produce the Income Support and Wage Subsidy Weekly Updates.
NOTE: Weekly data files might change as business rules and administrative data are verified and audited. Data series are updated/revised, as appropriate.