The Beehive building

Resource hub for Whānau Resilience providers

This is a temporary hub with resources to get Whānau Resilience providers up and running with their design.

If you need further support at any time, please get in touch with your Pouwhakataki, Partnering for Outcomes Advisor or the team at MSD.

Design phase stage 1 - Get established


Build a strong foundation of working together with a shared vision and understanding of Whānau Resilience.

Tools & resources

Kaimahi job description template/sample

Memorandum of Understanding template (coming soon)

Design phase stage 2 - Discovery


Discover the needs of whānau, challenge own assumptions, understand the baseline story of the region, what is already happening in terms of the 5 Pou & gaps in your collective knowledge.

Tools & resources

Under development

Design phase stage 3 - Identify opportunities for change


Explore insights and generate opportunities and ideas for where the biggest gains might be. Opportunities may be brand new ideas, building on or refining existing ideas and/or some quick wins or ideas you could try and test before going further.

Tools & Resources

Under development

Design phase Stage 4 - Test & learn


Make your ideas real. Test your thinking in low cost ways before it goes live, use data to confirm you are on the right track. Start thinking about the next stage and how you intend to refine and adapt services over time.

Tools & resources

Under development

The Beehive building
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