Information and insights are accessible for their intended uses, by those who need it, when they need it
Availability ensures that information required to support decisions is accessible for those who need it, when they need it. We have the tools, services and capability to create the insights required.
Effectively managing availability is important because…
Information and insights can only improve lives if they’re available to the right people at the time decisions are being made.
We must deliver on Mana manaaki, a positive experience every time, as clients need to be able to easily find information on the supports they’re eligible for, and services that may help them, as well as information we hold about them. Staff need real-time information at their fingertips too, so they understand a client’s context and what may work for them to achieve their aspirations. They also need to be able to quickly find guidance and processes that help them do their jobs effectively.
We need to make information available to tangata whenua and partners to deliver on kotahitanga, using insights and information sharing for mutual benefit.
People outside MSD need access to information about the benefit system to understand how it works and how it’s performing. This includes ministers, media, researchers and the general public. Information and insights need to be provided in ways that work for everyone and their different circumstances: open and in line with accessibility standards.
Moving from:
- Clients and employees cannot access information they need easily and in a timely manner.
- Data and insights are partial and difficult to find.
- MSD does not always have he tools, technology, or capacity to collaborate or share information effectively with our partners to best meet New Zealander’s needs or outcomes.
- Staff can access the information they need to do their jobs, where and when they need it and can see the impact of their work.
- Relevant data and insights are available, understood, and easily found or created for both internal and external users.
- Clients can easily access information about themselves and their interactions with us.
- We have mutually beneficial partnerships founded in Whanaungatanga (relationships) and Mana Ōrite (equality), collaborating on insights and sharing information safely.
When this is working well:
An up-to-date Enterprise Data Model and Information Architecture shows how our data and information is created, organised, and used, so we know how it links together and understand the impact of system or process changes.
Metadata management helps us find the right data, understand what it means, know where data came from, what we can use it for, where it is being used, and the rules for access and sharing the data. Master Data management gives us a source of truth for our key data, so we can make the correct information available and it’s easier to share with others when appropriate. These capabilities also mean we know who we can share data with without additional authorisation using Self-service BI and Secure & efficient data sharing and whether we can automatically release data to clients through automated client data self service.
Access to only what people need is enabled by Identity and access management, while Information and data lifecycle management ensures we know what data can be used for, and what should be retained or disposed.
We have developed a sustainable data platform through Te Haoroa so our information is consistently available and resilient. A clear Information, data and analytics operating model and Development of data assets support us to make the right information and data products available.
Appropriate, relevant information and insights can be accessed safely through core systems, for staff, client and whanau, and external partners and agencies. This is enabled though Self-service BI (business intelligence), Secure & Efficient Data Sharing, and Collaborative Analytics & Data Science Platform.