MSD Future services model
The strategic shifts enable our Future Services Model: some underpin all parts of the model, while the available, understanding and personalised shifts align with different parts of the model.
Figure 6: How key shifts support the Future services model
Understanding our clients (available, understanding):
We must better understand people so we can connect them to the right service to address their needs. We will also better understand them in the context of their whānau where appropriate.
Connecting to services (understanding, personalised):
People should have their immediate needs identified and resolved at the first point of contact. If this isn’t possible, we will seamlessly connect them to appropriate support from MSD and/or partners.
MSD tool kit (available, understanding):
We will ensure our staff, systems and partners can access everything they need when they need it.
Tiered service delivery (available, understanding, personalised):
We (MSD and/or partners) will deliver different levels of support based on the level of need of a person or whānau. People and whānau will be able to transition seamlessly through different levels of service as their situation changes and as service capacity allows.
Partner services (available, personalised):
We are stronger when we work together with whānau, hapū, iwi providers, communities, other government agencies and employers.
Specialist Services (available, personalised):
We will continue to proactively establish and maintain strong relationships and networks with employers, industry and community groups, other key stakeholders within the region to market the support offered through our products and services.
Sustaining outcomes (understanding):
We want people to be safe, strong and independent, therefore the service we provide needs to build upon their mana. This will equip them, when they are no longer clients of ours to make their own plans, set their own goals, and be more resilient to the barriers faced as they advance to greater independence.
Key shifts that underpin the whole service model:
- Te mana kaha o te whānau
- Responsible use
- Quality
- Transparency, control & choice
- Protect