Data, Analytics & Information Roadmap Initiatives
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Data Management Foundations
Establish the right governance, architecture and data management foundations to ensure we are effectively using information to create better insights, better decisions, better lives.
Info & Data Governance (includes Māori Data Governance)
Implement an information governance framework with supporting capabilities, processes and policies. Broaden role of data stewardship from information access control to information quality management.
Develop a co-designed model to approach data governance in a way that embeds iwi-Māori needs and interests in data. We partner with tangata whenua to ensure that kaitiakitanga (stewardship) is at the heart of how we take care of data.
Data stewardship practice drives ongoing maturity and practice improvement across organisation, where data governance is a formalised MSD business function.
Info/Data & Analytics Operating model
The organisation structure for data and analytics operating model is fully embedded and supports data governance, support each level of strategy, management and operations.
Enterprise data model & information architecture
The enterprise data model will provide a holistic view of the data across the organisation and can identify where information is in common, ensuring our data architecture is structured and is intentional.
We have an Enterprise Information view on both our structured and our unstructured information to demonstrate people are at the centre of the information. We map the enterprise information model to MSD business processes and systems that create, read, update, or dispose of information.
Our data architecture captures outcomes valued by iwi-Māori and pacific communities, building tight alignment with the all-of-government data model to support ease of reporting social outcomes across the ecosystem.
Metadata Management
Create a common metadata foundation to deliver insights and intelligence across all data management processes. Data, information, and insights can be found quickly and easily by anyone who needs it, using an Enterprise Data Catalogue. All domains are identified and described, and metadata reflects Te ao Maori needs.
We capture data movement information to support the data lineage and provenance, ensuring we have an understanding of, and confidence in, the data assets maintained.
Data Quality Management
Establish Data Quality (DQ) foundations, with adoption of data quality management framework and data cleansing practices, prioritised to meet initial data quality targets.
Continue the data quality improvement programme to enhance the effectiveness of initiatives, with ongoing monitoring and proactive interventions to address data quality issues.
In the third phase, we will use AI to automatically assess data quality and make intelligent recommendations that streamline key tasks like data discovery and data quality rule creation across the organization.
Data integration, pipeline management & lifecycle management
Information and Data Lifecycle management is embedded in our Information Management processes. We have modern, managed, information management system and enterprise corporate information repository. Knowledge Management is integrated with information management lifecycle.
We adopt standards-based approaches for organizing, storing, and managing our data, to ensure we can share data assets across the Ministry and with partners and other agencies.
Data management and integration to establish the data fabric to support flexible, reusable and augmented data integration pipelines. Support real-time / event-based streaming of data from multiple applications / organisations.
Master Data Management
Establish the organisation, roles and responsibilities, and metrics for Master Data Management (MDM). We have an authoritative source of truth for Party (client, iwi, staff, partner) so that clients do not need to re-tell their story.
We evolve this capability to have an authoritative source of truth for all of our data domains (eg Person, Whanau, Products/Services, Location etc). We can provide an integrated joined up view of our data and information across the ministry and services. We can effectively manage changes to the data across the Ministry to ensure accuracy and consistency.
In the third level of maturity we can scale our MDM though AI and ML to leverage algorithms to enhance our data matching, resolving differences, and providing recommendations. We extend the capability across the social sector. Where we have permission to do so, we validate the data we hold, directly with external authoritative sources rather than collecting mass data sets and ingesting them into our data system.
Responsible Use of Information
Ensuring we treat peoples’ information with respect and consider ethical implications as we leverage data to enhance customer experience.
Information Maturity (Enterprise Content Management)
We will improve our Information Maturity, and deliver a modern, managed, information management system and enterprise corporate information repository.
Our people can easily access and reference both published content as well as discoverable content across our digital collaboration channels.
Our people are increasingly needing to communicate and collaborate with secure and responsible sharing of Ministry information with our partners and external agencies.
Information is classified and tagged across all our systems with automated management of access, retention and disposal based on this.
Design information policies and treatment (legislative & responsible use)
Design information policies to ensure we treat information about people as an extension of the person and use it fairly, with respect for the people it is about, and in a way that delivers clear benefits for the person and/or for New Zealanders.
We consider privacy, ethical use, respect diversity and prevent bias and discrimination, in how we share information and insights, apply predictive analytics, and use algorithms to support automated decision and recommendations.
Consent Management
We will design and implement a comprehensive consent framework to ensure we are using peoples’ information responsibly and respectfully.
Automated client data self-service
Through our digital experience platform, clients will be able view the personal information they have shared with us, how it has been used within MSD and across the sector and update, manage or delete any information without interacting with an MSD staff member.
Providing client data self service capabilities will provide our people and their whānau with transparency as to how and where their data will be used, control and choice over what data is shared across the sector and the purpose in which MSD is authorised to use it for.
Research & Analytics Products
Enabling personalised, proactive and preventative services and an organisation that leverages insights to improve services, operations and policy.
Te Haoroa – Data Warehouse, Visualisation & Reporting
Implement a new data warehouse with well-defined data governance and management so that MSD has improved business intelligence, reporting and analytics capabilities. Te Haoroa Data Warehouse is a current in-flight programme of work to replace the existing ageing data warehouse.
Advanced Analytics / Data Science
Build upon our data platform, adding advanced analytics and data science capability to deliver real-time recommendations, personalised services and predictive analytics required to respond early. Our advanced analytics platform will support quick prototyping through to operational models that optimise service delivery, with capability for real-time streaming and analytics.
Better outcomes framework (system, communities, people)
We are measuring outcomes that matter to people and their whānau, so we have a holistic understanding of their specific needs, circumstances and communities. We enrich our understanding of the performance of the welfare system and the effectiveness of our interventions for the different groups we support.
Development of Data assets in line with business priorities
Having the right data is a key enabler for our future services in Te Pae Tawhiti, like an enhanced and personalised experience for customers, staff and partners. We will develop data assets as they’re needed, such as data marts that provide up-to-date, accurate information for income support eligibility or local employment opportunities.
Embedded Analytics / Operational
Using our advanced analytics platform, we will deliver our analytics into our client, staff and partner platforms to enable integrated, real time decision support tools. These will complement and enhance in-built analytics delivered by platforms ‘off the shelf’.
Self-service BI (Staff)
Build upon our data platforms to provide the tools to empower our staff with self service business intelligence capabilities. This requires tools and platforms to support business users in:
- Self-service data preparation and discovery
- Interactive visualisation and creation of personal dashboards
- Geospatial and network analytics
- Appropriate data governance and processes to productionise successful data products
Secure & Efficient Data Sharing
We will build and implement data sharing tools, frameworks and processes so it’s clear what we’re sharing with partners, how it’s authorised and that it’s shared safely and efficiently.
Investment tools
Investment tools are the data and analytics products that help us understand where we’re investing our resources, so we can assess and improve the outcomes we’re achieving. This includes tools that give insight into our employment investment, so we can make national and regional purchasing decisions that reflect that changing needs of our clients and employers.
Support Employment platform data & Analytics
The Employment platform will provide self-service job matching and training recommendations, for jobseekers, employers and MSD staff who support them. Much of this functionality will be provided ‘off the shelf’, with additional data assets, analytics and research to enhance functionality and user experience.
Omnichannel Analytics
Omnichannel analytics let us understand end to end client journeys and provide consistent recommendations, regardless of how people switch between channels. They measure the performance of systems and identify pain points in our processes. Omnichannel analytics are enabled by good data management to maintain links between different workflows.
Enable Auto Decision Making
Automated decision making can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our services, but needs accurate data to implement, assessment for bias and ongoing monitoring. This item covers the information and data support needed, including develop tools and processes.
Self Service BI (Client, Iwi, Partner)
Build upon our open data platform to provide self-service reporting for clients, iwi and our partners. This requires tools and platforms to support:
- Self service data preparation and discovery
- Interactive visualisation, creation and sharing of personal dashboards
- Appropriate security and data governance
Enable Recommendations
Develop the analytical models required to enable real-time recommendations and personalised services for clients and staff. Specific products and models will be driven by business priorities.
Early Intervention
Develop the analytical products required to respond early, including predictive analytics, segmentation or research to identify groups who need support and how to deliver it. Specific products and models will be driven by business priorities.
Collaborative Analytics and Data Science Platform
Establish a collaborative data science platform which will enable us to work with partners and other agencies on mutually beneficial data products. These products may be for research purposes, hosted as open data products, or to support joined-up operational delivery.
People Capability Uplift
Developing Te Ao Māori data capability (data as taonga)
We have built and have an ongoing focus on the capability of our staff and leaders to engage competently on Māori data issues and are aligned with cross-government approaches, like Mana Ōrite.
We supporting whānau Māori and iwi, and Māori research organisations, to grow the capacity of the research sector.
Capability development across data literacy, security and responsible use for staff, partners and tangata whenua
Ministry staff, providers, vendors and partners are aware of the cyber security risks facing the Ministry and are appropriately informed and trained to protect and use information responsibly.
We develop the culture and build the data literacy of staff and partners so they can use data products to make good decisions. We work with ‘analytics by design’, assessing the data needs when we make system or service changes, so we can create insights to make good decisions.