Te mana kaha o te whānau
Information, data and analytics support whānau to be safe, strong and independent
Te mana kaha o te whānau is the vision of Te Pae Tata, which seeks to empower Māori to be self-determining – active within their community, living with a clear sense of identity and cultural integrity and with control over their destiny.
Information, data and analytics is important to support te mana kaha o te whānau because…
Making the information MSD holds available to iwi-Māori and communities will enable to them to make decisions that achieve their aspirations: kia takatū tātou. The data, analytics and research we deliver need to be grounded in te ao Māori concepts, so that they’re relevant for tangata whenua. We also need to show mana manaaki in providing support and capability building so Māori are empowered to build their own information and data products.
Giving tangata whenua control over their destiny also means protecting their data as a taonga. We will need to work with kotahitanga to govern Māori data, so that it’s protected, stored, maintained and used appropriately. We’ll also need to continue to build our cultural competency and develop mutually beneficial relationships with iwi to succeed.
Moving from:
- MSD is committed to Te Pae Tawhiti and the Mana Ōrite agreement, but we need to do more and build on pockets of good practice.
- MSD doesn’t have a position on Māori data governance. We go to the Māori Reference Group for advice and guidance.
- Little data is provided to tangata whenua and is generally one-off.
- Information, data and analytics support whānau to be strong, safe and prosperous – active within their community, living with a clear sense of identity and cultural integrity and with control over their destiny.
We partner with tangata whenua to ensure that kaitiakitanga (stewardship) is at the heart of how we take care of data.
When this is working well:
We have mutually beneficial, enduring partnerships across the different ways information, data and analytics and used responsibly. This includes working together with tangata whenua on kaitiakitanga for Data & Information Governance (including Māori Data Governance), as well as building Better Outcomes frameworks so data can be collected and analysed in te ao Māori frameworks.
We understand kaupapa Māori approaches and can work within them or apply them when they’re needed. We’re using tools like our Privacy, Human Rights and Ethics Framework and Model Development Lifecycle to assess and prevent bias and discrimination, and have an organisational culture that supports this.
Our partnerships extend to supporting whānau Māori and iwi with Capability Development, or Māori research organisations, to grow the capacity of the research sector. Developing Te Ao Māori data capability, we have built and have an ongoing focus on the capability of our staff and leaders to engage competently on Māori data issues and are aligned with cross-government approaches, like Mana Ōrite.
We are sharing relevant data with iwi through Secure & Efficient Data Sharing, while those who want to can also access information through Self-service BI tools, or work with us on joint projects through the Collaborative Analytics & Data Science Platform.